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The Twelfth Planet

                                                The Twelfth Planet GENESIS   THE PRIME SOURCE for the biblical verses quoted in The Twelfth Planet is the Old Testament in its original Hebrew text. It must be borne in mind that all the translations consulted of which the principal ones are listed at the end of the book - are just that: translations or interpretations. In the final analysis, what counts is what the original Hebrew says. In the final version quoted in The Twelfth Planet, I have compared the available translations against each other and against the Hebrew source and the parallel Sumerian and Akkadian texts/tales, to come up with what I believe is the most accurate rendering.                                  The rendering of Sumerian, Assyrian, Babylonian,...


                            The BOOK OF JASHER REFERRED TO IN JOSHUA AND SECOND SAMUEL  Faithfully translated (1840) FROM THE ORIGINAL HEBREW INTO ENGLISH  SALT LAKE CITY: PUBLISHED BY J.H. PARRY & COMPANY 1887. "Is not this written in the Book of Jasher?"--Joshua, x. 13. "Behold it is written in the Book of Jasher."--II Samuel, i. 18 This work is in the Public Domain. Copy Freely  Table of Contents Preface |  Introduction - Is This the REAL Book of Jasher? |  CHAPTER 1--The Creation of Adam and Eve. The Fall. Birth of Cain and Abel. Abel a Keeper of Sheep. Cain a Tiller of the Soil. The Quarrel Between the Brothers and the Result. Cain, the First Murderer, Cursed of God CHAPTER 2--Seth is Born. People begin to Multiply and Become Idolatrous. Third Part of the Earth Destroyed. Earth cursed and becomes corrupt through the Wickedness of Men. Cainan, a Wise and Righteous Kin...


Dear,we know that in this world we are running after money ,love,fame,happiness but we forget ourselves that who we are and why we are here. Christians know that they are chosen one but forgot what they have inside them . As bible says you are a new kingdom in me if you believe,no tree is fruitful without Jesus.In this life whatever you earns you will loose but what you earns for his kingdom you will get it after death . So, if you are burdened with emptiness,tears,loneliness just kneel down to Jesus .Because your friends will leave you when you are down your wife may blame you for your debt your parents may not support you and you will find no person around you to share your reasons of sadness ,tears.Then Jesus says come back to me my child i will love you as i always do. Just close your eyes and say Jesus on this day only i surrender my burden of sins on you ,my friends family my spouse they all leave me on this sad days of my life they all are selfish they have some reasons to lov...